The Outcome Assessment Tools used by Pain 2 Wellness Center provide a Quantitative measure for patient’s Qualitative assessment of Pain, Disability, Function, Fear and Depression. Conservative Chiropractic Care has been proven to increase all of the aforementioned outcome measures and therefore the presence of any of these indicators would be evidence of the medical necessity of continued Chiropractic Care.

Timing of the Outcome Assessments

The outcome assessments are filled out by the patient on the initial Examination, at every Re-Examination and at the Final Examination. The Re-Examinations are given every 10 visits or within 30 days to adequately monitor patient’s progress and to assist the physician in clinical decision making. Often 3rd party evaluator’s use these outcome measures determine medical necessity of continued care.

Type of Outcome Assessments

See list below for the Outcome Assessment Tools used by our office.  All of these Outcome Assessment Tools are evidenced based and have been peer review for validity. Reference links appear below the Outcome Assessment Tools – Name.

  1. NUMERIC PAIN RATING SCALE – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2305860/
  2. PAIN DISABILITY QUESTIONNAIRE – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22481724 Spine 2004; 29 (20): 2290-2302.
  3. Headache History Questionnaire – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1924661/ 
  4. RIVERMEAD POST CONCUSSION SYMPTOMS QUESTIONNAIRE – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivermead_post-concussion_symptoms_questionnaire
  5. NECK DISABILITY INDEX QUESTIONNAIRE http://www.jmptonline.org/article/S0161-4754(08)00210-8/abstract?cc=y=    &  http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/1834753
  6. OSWESTRY DISABILITY INDEX 0  –  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20823785   &  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswestry_Disability_Index
  7. THE LOWER EXTREMITY FUNCTIONAL SCALE  – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26813750
  8. Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27558703
  9. FEAR-AVOIDANCE BELIEFS QUESTIONNAIRE (FABQ) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8455963
  10. P A T IE N T – H E A L T H – Q U E S T IO N A IR E – 9  – http://journals.lww.com/lww-medicalcare/Abstract/2004/12000/Monitoring_Depression_Treatment_Outcomes_With_the.6.aspx


Scoring and Reporting Outcome Assessment Tools

These Outcome Assessment Tools use quantitative values (numbers) to interpret data.  This process is called Scoring.  We provide Outcome Assessment Tools Scoring (OATS) summary report in the Assessment area of the Patient Chart Notes or Subjective Objective Assessment and Plan Notes (SOAP Notes) on the date of the Initial or Re-Examination.  Below is a Sample OATS Summary .


 Outcome Assessment Tools Score (OATS)
Name: Patient  6-8-16 Score %
Pain Scale 7/10 70.00%
Pain Disability 89/150 59.33%
Post Concussion RPQ-3   (early)                           9/12  
Post Concussion RPQ-13  (late)                            36/52  
Neck-Disability Index 22/50 44.00%
Low Back-Disability Index. 25/50 50.00%
Lower Ext – Functional Scale 28/80 35.00%
DASH Disability
((sum n/n) – 1) x 25
(Work) Dash Disability
((sum/4) – 1) x 25
(Sports) Dash Disability ((sum/4) – 1) x 25 ??%
(Work) N/A
(Physical Activity) N/A
PHQ9P 2 2


The purpose of this explanation of the proper use of the Outcome Assessment Tools Sore to aid the physician in clinical decision making and to improve patient outcomes aiding in the recovery process.

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