Rashad Richey Speaks with Dr Carhee
Chiropractor 3910 Cascade Road 30331
South West Cascade Atlanta Georgia
CALL 404-699-0966 TODAY
Big Picture Overview Personal Injury Documentation
Top 5 Financial Drivers
AOMSI vs Alteration of spinal mobility
3 Phases healing
Disability vs Impairment
Maximum medical improvement
5 Impairment rating
Loss enjoyment of lifetime activities
Over pressure
Altered motion
Duties under duress
Altered motion
Prognosis, need for future care
Type of therapy
Frequency of therapy
Top 2 Categories Defend the Claim
Preexisting injury documentation
Same complaint documented
ADL Short form 36
Low impact low property damage documentation
8 Injury magnifiers
Defenses up
Joints locked out
Car weight differential
Head rest up
Car safety rating
Car moving
Slick roads
6 Steps to Tell the Story and Build the Case
Mechanism of injury
Subjective, hybrid subjective and objective, subjective
Therapeutic protocol
Response to treatment
MMI and Impairment
Prognosis, need for future care
The 4 Types of Injury Award Offers
- No Offer
- No financial drivers
- Low Ball offer
- Colossus based
- Little to no financial drivers
- High Ball offer
- All 5 financial drivers
- Told in 6 steps to tell the story and build the case
- Documented 2 steps to defend the case
- Policy Limit award
- Outside injury software such as Colossus
- Attorney confidence in doctor
- Attorney confidence in patient
- Attorney hunger
The 4 Injury Awards Supported by Documentation
- Therapeutic protocol based 3 phases healing
- Common Impairment Rating Compensation Formula (2 methods):
- (Whole person impermanent multiplied by the total number of weeks impaired)
- (The number of weeks multiplied by the claimant’s compensation rate) equals
- (The total dollar amount of the benefit)
- Or Typically, $1K per Whole Person Impairment Percentage
Pain and suffering
- The first method is to multiply the plaintiff’s actual damages (medical bills and lost wages) by a certain number, generally between 1 and 5 depending on the severity of the injury.
- The second, per diem or per day approach. A certain amount is assigned to every day from the day of the accident until the plaintiff reached maximum recovery.
Need for future care
- Multiply daily treatment necessary X Frequency X life expectancy